Friday 3 May 2013

A Year Head -- The Call

II year Computer Science and Engineering..

COS 16
Computer Science Block

Its too hard to be a part of a college which has so stiff rules and regulations imposed on every
student...Me and Rahul were finally been selected for the college team...Out of around 36
competitors from various departments,,i and Rahul were too proud to be among the final list of
16...Though we couldnt see ourselves much during the college hours we had our time in the
evening...We used to discuss about each and every little detail around us,, from politics,,cinema,,college,,and lots and lots of things..
I and Rahul started going to college early at 6 in the morning for attending the practice
sessions..I didnt mind much about that girl with whom Rahul told be to be aware of..
I had been a friend of every boy in the class and i was enjoying the most important part of
everyone's life,,, THE COLLEGE LIFE!!!
We had electronics subject in the 3rd semester and my college wanted us to do projects for every
semester right from the third semester..It was almost towards the end of the semester when we
were asked to do projects in our lab hours,as we had to do exercises during the lab sessions..I
and Karthikeyan had decided to do a project named "Number Guessing Game"..
I had suggested the topic for our project as i was impressed on the title and the concepts used
in it..It had a decent number of IC's, boards and other necessary electronic components..
As Karthikeyan and most of my friends were from hostel, i took the responsibility of purchasing
the components for my team and my friends' team from the market. Nothing to mention regarding the
academic activites which took place in the college, as they were always the dry part of my life..
It was 7 when me and Rahul had reached the hostel after the evening practising session..
"Am in need of some electronic shop da..I need to go there to buy some components for my project"
"Mmmm...I know a shop in East Tambaram da,,will give you the contact details,,no worries da"
Rahul replied..
"You give me the contact details, i will break your bones, you stupid.. We both are going there
to purchase things..thats it" I realized he is trying to send me to the shop all alone..
"Nope having my record works, and if thats not completed within tonight i will
get a big zero in my internal marks..You should have heard about Prabhakar though.."He replied.
Prabhakar sir was the STRICT OFFICER of his department,unluckily he handled machines lab for
him..After a lots of stiffs and struggles with him...eventually i gave up..
And hence i had to go there alone to purchase the components..i was getting messed up with it as i had planned to go there to have some big time enjoyment with Rahul..
But he had no idea of coming with me as he was a lot more worried about his internals..
While getting ready, I was almost drenched as the power went off..It was around 7.30 when i decided to start from the hostel and ..Just then,, i felt some vibration in my chest and it was my mobile which was vibrating in the silent mode..It was a call from an unknown number..

picked it up,, and heard a girl voice.."HELLO"..
Its obvious that girls receive call from lots of boys..but it was quite surprising for me to listen to a girl's voice in my mobile for the first time..I had heard my friends mocking others in girls i thought it would be one of my friends trying to play a prank over me..
I pressed the red button in my mobile phone and put it back in my pocket..I took the address of the shop from Rahul and bid a bye to him..He was so busy with his record note that he bid a bye to me without even seeing me.."Crazy fellow",,i said to myself..
As i walked out,, i could see 1 message received on my screen..
"Pls attend d call, wanna speak 2 u..urgent..-Priya" 
I didnt know what to react at that very moment...hence i just moved on...
The next second, i received the call again from that number.. "Hello"..I picked up the phone..
"Hello,,is this Karthick?" A female voice questioned..
"Yes,, but who is this?"
"Ya,,hi,,this is Priya,,your classmate.."
"Am sorry to say this, but which Priya?.."
"Mmmm,,i thought you forgot me..change for 100rs??"
Just then something flashed somewhere inside my mind..I found it out finally..
"Ya ya,, i remember you..So how are you?"
"Am fine are you?"
"Am fine too..but you said that you wanna speak to me urgently.??."I was a bit quizzed..
"Ya Karthick, i need a help from you,Sorry that am troubling you.."
"Thats not a prob..miss..??"I forgot her name
"Am Priya"
"Hmmm..Miss Priya..what should i do for you?Mobile topup?"
"Hey,,no no serious.."
"Even am serious,,how much to recharge?"
"Nooooo...i heard that you are purchasing the components for digital lab project.."
" on the way to buy them..but whats that for?"
"Thank god..please do me a favour Karthick..Please buy me the components too"
"Oh.."I paused.
"I ask my father for all such works but unfortunately he has been to Bangalore for some business meeting..Sooo.."She paused..
"Oooookaaaayyyy...fine...what components do u need Priya?"
"Am doing a FM booster..And i need...."
She continued telling the components list for around 5 more minutes..
"Hmmm...thats it Karthick..can u help me please?"
"Ok.."I tried to maintain the conversation as short as possible as Rahul's words flashed in my mind as and when Priya was speaking to me..
"Thanks a lot Karthick,, and this is my number,, if you find any troubles in buying the components please do contact me.."
"Fine..will give you the components tomorrow.."
"Thanks again Karthick"
"Mention not Priya..i will give you the components tomorrow.." I remembered her words "no sorry and no thanks between friends" but she never followed it..
"Fine Karthick..See you soon"
"Fine Priya..take care" The phone hung up..
I realized that i reached East Tambaram and i headed on to Jeevan Electronics Shop to purchase the components..

“Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It's not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything.” 

I never knew that am going to learn the best lesson of my life..FRIENDSHIP..

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