Sunday 17 February 2013

JOURNEY TO REMEMBER -- Me and Shyam in London!!!

                                             JOURNEY TO REMEMBER    

                                                      Me and Shyam in London!!!

17, KnightsBridge

Its full of breeze and snow outside and its nothing superstitial to experience such a climate at the end of the year. After watching the rolex on my hands I realize its already too late to start. I should have finished almost everything by now and its high time for me to get up, so that everthing is set right. I remove the blanket over me and see Shyam lying by my side, hugging his hands tight towards my waist.
Its really a very special feeling for me to see him, with his eyes closed and his silent sleep by my side. His face, his lips and what not, everthing in him was a lot special to me and he was what for whom i was living for,,,Being a father, is a blessing...It could take even a birth more to describe how it actually feels.

Keeping all those feelings aside, i decide to wake him up from his sleep.
"Shyam ,, its time to go to school,,,,get up,,,u r a good boy right??,,get up"
Guess Shyam had been through a great sleep the whole night,,he sleeps without answering me...
"No dad,, its sunday,,,i feel a looot sleepy,,give me a holiday today,plsssss!!! "
He was right,, actually.. I was the one who took him to the Annual game fair last night..
We had slept only at 1 am,, and it was not right on my part to wake him up just after 6 hours from there..
But its also not acceptable on his part to bunk his school on monday,, and hence after a lot of hurry burries finally I made him wake up..
I had a very important meeting regarding the wireless sensor networks which being the next important thing that was focussed in my team for the next project. Being the project manager I had to give my team with the introduction and all necessary stuff for the project to be carried forward. I browsed for all the folders which i had created for instructing my team from my pc and took it in my pendrive.
Shyam was ready with his school bag hangin around his shoulders.. I would never miss a chance to kiss him in his forehead before we would leave our apartment. Locked the door, and in next 20 minutes i was in St Philip's School.. It was time for me to prepare myself, my heart and my mind to be apart from him for the next 10 hours.. Though it was habitual,, but somewhere deep inside,, it hurts daily.. Guess every dad feels the same.. I bid a huge bye to Shyam, as he went past me towards the school gate..
This day was the same as every other day until the evening arrived. I had never known or expected that this day would end in such a disaster.. A visit by someone who i had decided not to see in my entire life had actually happened..Tomorrow is never certain after her visit!!!


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