Friday 22 February 2013

JOURNEY TO REMEMBER -- Me and Rahul...

                                                             Me and Rahul

I finished my lunch at around 1.30 and i had an extra 10 minutes to reach my classroom from the canteen. I went to the main building to check for my classroom,,I read,,
"I year Computer Science and Engineering -- Mechanical Department,MS6"
It was a kind of 3-5 minutes walk from the main building to the mechanical department. I walked seeing students just as me moving here and there, and i hoped most of them i was seeing would be my friends in the coming days..
I reached my class room,, it looked good for me,, nicely arranged desks and benches with an overhead projector placed on the bench which was meant for the staff.. I took my place in the third bench from the back,, this was my traditional place and wherever i went i chose the same place as it fell between the front benchers and the back benchers..I neither wanted to be the most studious guy nor the most mischievous guy in the class..
Just before the bell rang,, most of my classmates had arrived to the class and had occupied their respective seats..Just like me, most of them remained silent, i guessed they too were experiencing something new,just as me..I knew none around me,but i firmly believed everyone in the class would turn out to be my friends in the future..Just as the bell rang Mr. Padmanadhan arrived..He took the great Mathematics-I class,,,I felt interesting for some period of time,,but eventually i had lost myself somewhere,,then i realized that,, i had been physically present but mentally absent..
After two classes Padmanadhan finished his lecture,,and it was time for Chemistry class,, Mr. Nayagam handled chemistry for us..I was a chemistry craze,,so it was fun listening to him..His teaching style impressed me to a good extent..And it was 4.30 when the final bell rang...It was a good day at the college,,of course not a bad one...I returned back to the hostel by walk and i decided to have a nice sleep to relax myself...
It was 7 when i actually woke up..i refreshed myself,,had a bath...and stood in the veranda noticing the vehicles travelling along the road and listening to "Musthafa Musthafa" sung by AR Rahman with headphones plugged in my ears..I was enjoying his voice and composition in a mild volume..

I had always followed the quote which rightly described me with friendship.
"Friendship has no survival value, rather it is one of those things that give value to survival"...

Just then i heard someone knocking the door...
I went from the veranda to the hall and opened the door..I saw a moderate colored guy , with light black moustache,wearing tshirt and jeans standing infront of me,,
"Hii!!! This is Rahul,, I year Mechanical engineering,,Me gonna stay with u for the next 4 years,,Whats ur name??"He asked in a soft and quite a friendly tone as he moved past me..
"Heyy!! am Karthick I year CS" as i gave my hand, and we shook hands together...
"Hey,,,how was the colls today,,enjoyed ah??" He asked with much of expectation just as I was earlier in the day..
"Not to the most,,but was good..."I replied in a low tone...
He kept the two huge bags which he had with him on the shelf and he started speaking...
"Hey,,you are a lucky guy man,,,being in a CS department,,you can enjoy!!!,we are after all mechanical students,,,no girls,no love,no dating and nothing...but one thing is for sure is that we would enjoy more than u"he teased me friendly...I liked it though...
Then we chatted a lot till 11 in the night...I had understood that he had been from a poor background...his father was a load man who works at late night,,He had an elder sister and an younger brother..Though he was poor he didnt wished to expose his poverty to others,,He mentioned that he had shared it with me as i was going to be with him for the next 4 years and he believed that we were to be good friends...I felt pity for him and I assured him that i would be a good friend to him...
We watched a film on TV and slept at 2..I myself didnt believe, that i got so friendly to him,,we shared a lot, we smiled, we laughed and it was a real fun and happiness the whole night...I slept with a happy heart and a great feeling that i had got a good friend to cherish for my life...
I had never expected this friend was going to influence me in the biggest decision i had took in my life...

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