Friday 1 March 2013

Journey to Remember -- The Advice and the Truth

                                                     The Advice and the Truth

It was 8.15 when i actually woke up. I took off my bedsheet from my face and saw Rahul sleeping aside me.. I had to give him a sound to get his sleep away..."Its time da,,getting late...get up dude!!!" I told him as i took my brush, toothpaste and towel..."Ya da,,i ll be ready..."He replied..
We got ready by 8.45..Its really a peculiar thing to be noted when 2 guys stay in a room, they can be ready with every stuff within 20 minutes max, but when 2 girls are together in a room, even an hour is not enough for a single girl to get ready.
In the next 10 minutes we reached the college,, actually we had rushed to the college...As i was allotted the class room in mechanical department and he himself was from mechanical stream we were a lot happy to be in the same block,,though we were in different classrooms..We had decided to meet at lunch and tea break...
I bid bye to him as i entered my class...As usual, or as i had decided,, i took the third seat from last..Most of my classmates had already arrived,,hardly four or five of them had come after me..Ram was the one who was sitting to my left and Rakesh was on my right..I had known their names after a formal introduction with them...Engineering Physics was the first class and it was the duty of Mr. Shashi to make us engaged to the subject related stuff...After a brief talk on the types of waves..
"What are ultrasonic waves??" He asked..
Pin drop silence, as teachers say, was witnessed in the classroom...
"Can anyone answer??"He asked again..
"......" persistence of silence..
"Second row first one,,,can you answer??" He asked as he pointed towards the girls row,, i was a bit relieved..
"They are nothing but acoustical waves but with frequency higher than 20 kHz.They are highly energetic..They show negligible diffraction due to their small wavelength. Hence they can
be transmitted over long distances without any appreciable loss of energy." There came the reply..
I was shocked to some extent to see someone answer such perfectly even in an engineering college, though with girls, this was quite obvious..I turned my face just to see who it was and i was surprised to see that it,, was her...The same girl for whom i had given the change, and the same girl who had paid me in canteen for lunch..
"Very good..Sit down..Give her a round of applause" Mr. Shashi congratulated her..
The class gave her claps,,i dont think she noticed me,,but i was watching her for some time from then...
Then after a period of 1 hour and 30 minutes,, Engineering Physics and Engineering Graphics got over...
It was time for snacks break..I had told Rahul to meet him in the canteen, and so i decided to leave the class..Just then,,
I saw her crossing me along with a few other girls,,In a minutes time my mind told me to give back the 30rs which i had borrowed from her..
I checked for the change in my packet...And then..
"Excuse Me!!!" I murmured..
"Ya,,hii!!!"She replied as she turned over.. I realized she had recognized me correctly..
"Thanks for the help..."I told as i put my hands inside the packet to take single 20rs and a single 10rs note..
"Oh fine.."She replied as she took it..
"I didnt expect you to give that back,,anyways dats ok..,, but i had given you the token,,right??"She quizzed me..
"You need not pay me,,just buy me the token",,She told..
"But am not going to canteen now,,"I lied..
"Its ok,,get me the token, whenever you find time in canteen"...She replied softly...Gathering some courage I asked her,,,
"Mmmmmm,,fine,,can we go to canteen now??",,I teased her,,as I knew girls in this college would never spend time with a guy that soon...
"Hey are you kidding me,,I just didnt want that 30rs from you,,i told you to buy the token only for that reason,,not for coming with you to the canteen..."She replied in a soft tone...She seemed smart..
"And i dont believe in taking back money from friends.." She added...
"What friends??" I was quizzed..
"Yup,,,i see everyone around me as good friends,,,and i always like being a friend too" Her eyes showed me how friendly she was and now i got the answer for the reason behind having a decent number of girls around her in such a quick succession,,,
"Hey,,thanks a lot for that..." I tried to be as formal as possible..
"No thanks between friends..."She added..
"Ope,,Sorry for dat thanks.." I replied..
"To be elaborate,,no sorry and no thanks between friends.." She added as she went past me..
She seemed so friendly with her talks that even the almighty would die for her friendship if he prefers to talk to her for a minute,,

I was feeling very happy to have two best friends within 2 days as the college had begun...

I had firmly believed on the lines,
Life is an awful, ugly place to not have friends around you...

I had always believed to have as much friends around me as possible,,,Some would be crazy on books, some on sports,, and some other in love...But i had always been so crazy about having friends,and i loved it to the core...
With lots of such philosophies running through my mind..I returned back to the class without meeting Rahul in the canteen,,,And after a long boring 6 hours,, i came back to the room..Just then,,Rahul came in,,and we started chatting about the things..He scolded me for not meeting him in the canteen,,he told me that he had waited for the whole 20 minutes, awaiting my arrival..Then I explained about the things which had happened during the interval...He kept listening to me with his one ear as the other was busy in hearing some song..After i finished,,he told
"Dont believe girls to a higher extent,,,they can be with you for years..but for them it would not even take a minute to betray you,,Just be careful da!!!"
His words sliced mine,,,but my belief for her was much more above his words..But my sense refused me to show that to him,,,hence i just nodded my head....
Which is the truth,,his words or my belief??
The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for.."..

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